I am not a writer—never have been. But since the 2024 presidential election, something inside me has changed. I’ve felt a growing desire to express myself, and instead of jotting down my thoughts, feelings, and ideas on mobile devices or sticky notes, I decided to put them in one place—accessible to me and to anyone who wants to read them.

Meaningful conversations happen every day—with friends, community members, and across social networks—but they often go uncaptured. Some of these discussions are insightful, thought-provoking, and could lead to action if given the right platform. Throughout my life, I’ve met many wonderful, talented people and learned so much from them. So, I thought, why not compile some of these learnings as well. You never know when they might come in handy.

What I write here is strictly my own. I am not paid or influenced by anyone or any entity. Nor do I benefit monetarily from this.

I chose to call myself Bidrohi—the rebel. Not in defiance for the sake of rebellion, but in the pursuit of truth, justice, and humanity. I am inspired by the powerful words of Kazi Nazrul Islam, whose poem “Bidrohi” roars with the fire of resistance. Like him, I embrace the spirit of questioning injustice, challenging oppression, and standing for those who cannot stand for themselves.

Nazrul’s “Bidrohi” speaks of unyielding strength, of rising against tyranny, of carrying both the storm and the song within. But while his rebellion was a thunderous cry against oppression, mine is a softer echo—one that calls for compassion over cruelty, unity over division, and love over hatred.

“I am the eternal rebel,
I rise beyond this world,
I shatter the bonds of right and wrong,
I break the barriers of law and order.”

I know I cannot single-handedly erase the injustices of the world—war, oppression, hunger, political persecution—but I can write about them. I can speak truth to those willing to listen. I can remind people that, despite our differences—skin color, faith, nationality, or social status—we are bound by a common humanity.

“I carry the hope of the hopeless,
The strength of the weak,
I am the voice of the voiceless,
The light in the darkest of nights.”

This blog is my voice, my resistance, my way of promoting kindness, empathy, and peace. I believe in a world where justice thrives, and compassion connects us all. If my words can inspire even one person to be more humane, to care more, to act with conscience, then my rebellion has meaning.

This is Bidrohi—a rebel, but a rebel for love, for justice, and for a world where we can all coexist with dignity.